Mellow morning flight

Another flight sim nerd in the house! I’m so happy. We’re playing Elite Dangerous now, and will do some WWI stuff in the future. Finally got a proper wingman!

Doing the COVID shuffle

Two newly-minted Thunderbolt Fury fighters ready to purge the xenos filth. For the Emperor! ☠️ #warhammer40k #aeronauticaimperialis

Finished my first Ork Dakkajet for Aeronautica Imperialis. Really happy with the result. Painting airplane miniatures is the best!

Check out my hot whip. I vaguely remember driving it.

Number 8 on the top and number 5 on the side. Quarantine chic. #stayhome

My Mother’s Day gift to my wife: a clean no-stache shave. She was so happy with the surprise.