This is my latest aircraft project, which has snuck in front of the [url=http://www.stevelange.net/waco]Waco CG-4A[/url] for the time being. I’m theoretically building it in order to fly at the upcoming [url=http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/ISR/]Inland Slope Rebels[/url] Warbird Combat event, but honestly it’s going to be pretty heavily outmatched by the larger, and heavier, competition, so we’ll see…I think I just wanted to build a P-51! 🙂
The kit is from [url=http://home.earthlink.net/~pattonacft/]Patton Aircraft[/url], and it’s definitely one of the nicer EPP P-51D kits out there. This plane is built primarily from EPP, and has a wingspan of 32″ and an estimated all up weight of around 8-9 ounces when ready to fly (mine may be a bit heavier as I’ll be covering it in Solartex as opposed to Ultracote).
One of the main reasons why I got interested in R/C as a kid was so that I could “one day” have a P-51D. That day is finally fast approaching, more than twenty years after the dream formed!
See more pictures of the build [url=http://www.stevelange.net/images/]here[/url].