[url=http://www.wired.com]Wired[/url] is running a pretty cool [url=http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/11.08/pwr_antigravity.html]article about so-called “anti-gravity machines”[/url], also known as “lifters”.
What’s cool is that these things are made by hobbyists, they have no moving parts, and are able to levitate merely through the application of high levels of electrical current. They’re not truly “anti-grav” machines, but they do levitate, and that’s pretty darn cool, if you ask me.
You can learn more–including getting plans and instructions for how to build your very own lifter–at the [url=http://www.americanantigravity.com]American AntiGravity[/url] website, and more still via their [url=http://groups.yahoo.com/group/americanantigravity/]Yahoo! Group[/url].
The article is a fascinating read–enjoy!
[i]Editor’s Note: I submitted this story to[/i] [url=http://www.slashdot.org]Slashdot.org[/url] [i]and amazingly enough they decided to run it! This is of course meaningless unless you’re a /. geek, which I guess I sort of am. That puts my story accepted/rejected ratio at 2 for 7…not so good, I guess, but better than 0 for 0![/i]