Bicycles, General

Fixed Gear Trailer Towing

So we got a new Wike Moonlight Double trailer and today was our first big ride with both boys in it. Works really great, even when towed behind my fixed gear Cross Check. It tows nicely and is really well put together, I have no complaints other than it’s already crowded with both boys in it. When they grow it’s only going to get worse!

Towing it was fine on the flats, but even with my relatively low 42×16 gearing, going up even modest hills was a pretty good workout. Some were steep enough I had to get off and push. Gears would obviously be a good call… but since I’ve only got one bike and I really like riding it fixed, not sure what I’ll do. Find flatter routes or HTFU I guess 😉

Here’s a screenprint from Google Maps of the 17 mile route we took.