Tessa, my wife, is out of town for a while so I’ve got the place to myself. God, how freaking boring. I didn’t get married so that I could hang out with my computer all day! Hehehe.
I’d heard the phrase “bach-ing it” (from the word [i]bachelor[/i]) to describe the condition that I’m in currently, and I guess it’s accurate. Except that when I was a bachelor I almost always had at least a couple roommates running around, setting things on fire, breaking windows and generally making me feel like I wasn’t completely alone. Now all I’ve got is Pucho, Felipe, and Angelica to hang out with, and they don’t really have much to say.
But I’m not trying to be a whiner here, it’s just kinda lame when your better 99% is away and you’re left with the ultra-lame 1% part (i.e. yourself) and have to find something to do, now that you’re not used to being solo anymore. I’m sure I’ll find something to occupy my time…like studying for the GREs 😉