I am in the process of building an [url=http://perso.wanadoo.fr/aeromod.concept/Voltij_eng.htm]Aeromod Voltij[/url] and when I got to the stage of setting up my radio, I decided to do a mini-tutorial on [url=http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=306759&page=21&pp=15#post4062252]programming the Multiplex Profi 4000[/url]. This is not necessarily the best or the only way it can be done, but it works for me. Mike Shellim, owner/operator of the excellent [url=http://www.rc-soar.com/]RC-Soar.com website[/url], was kind enough to [url=http://www.rc-soar.com/multiplex/4000/tutorials/voltij/index.htm]mirror my P4000 mini-tutorial on his site[/url]…how cool is that!
Anyways, hope it’s useful for those looking to get started using their Multiplex Profi 4000. I certainly love mine.