Author: Steve
Page 11/143

What an incredible part of the Breton coastline – reminds me of the Pacific Northwest
The town of Morgat at sunset. It’s very difficult to capture how beatiful it was. Magic.

J’aime Bretagne

Quick clip of my first flight with the Excalibur

So, this is my life now: the Quartz and the Excalibur, the mountains and the beach. Two of the finest aerobatic gliders ever designed, but representing for me much more than that, the fruits of a 15 year commitment to a hobby and passion that has lead to amazing friendships with people all over the globe. I’m extremely grateful for this good fortune and for the wonderful friends and family who help me to experience it.

So I am now the proud owner of an Excalibur 2.0, built for me by Eric Poulain, the plane’s designer and an absolute legend of VTPR slope aerobatics. I don’t really have words other than a huge thank you. It flies awesome!

Mont-Saint-Michel is a real magic kingdom
