Author: Steve
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Spring flings at the Rose Garden with the good ole TLARian

Classic “fish tank” effect at Weaselfest when there’s a bunch of planes in the air

Hanging out with Michael Richter (Mr. Dream-Flight), Bob Martin (Mr. SR-7/Talon/Coyote/etc), and Dawson Henderson (Mr. Arizona). Trying to keep my cool but freaking out inside…

This kid is developing a super cool style. Very proud papa over here.

Inverted wingtip drag Easter egg hunting

At Jose Luis’s final Seussical Jr. performance. He was the Cat in the Hat, and did great! Super proud of him.

Nerding it up with @supermcgamer here at the Calithon 2019 speedrunning event being held at @directrelief HQ

Got up into the snow yesterday. Man do I love this car. #wrxsti