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Southern France is everything it’s cracked up to be.

Another life goal achieved… flying with Stéphane Combet in the Pyrenees. He is a fantastic pilot and a really great guy. We had a literal blast in strong 30mph+ conditions at Port de Balès.

Port de Balès in the Pyrenees… the dairy cows are always the toughest crowd to please. Flew the Ahi in 30-35mph with no ballast… very exciting to say the least!

Waiting for wind at Superbagneres in the Pyrenees.

Carcassonne… not just a board game!

Some might call it heaven, but here in Beaufortain they just call it Saturday morning. Mont Blanc at dawn.

Life goal achieved. I don’t know if I’ve ever been happier in this hobby than these last few days flying with a genuine legend of the sport.

Alpine milk cows wear these amazing bells you can hear from miles away