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Waco CG-4A Plans & 3-Views
Plans for a remote control version of the Waco
CG-4A are available from a couple of different sources,
or you can just have a one of the 3-views below enlarged
at your local copy shop and work from that, depending upon
what your needs are and what you intend to build your CG-4A
I purchased the RCM plans for the CG-4A but was disappointed
with them. They are not as accurate in terms of scale dimensions
as I was hoping, and since I am building from EPP, I really
didn't need the detail of the built-up construction. RCM
also took a fairly long time--three weeks--to have them
sent out to me. It would have been faster, cheaper and easier
for me to simply have the Eaton 3-view below enlarged at
my local copy shop, and to have built my EPP templates from
that. Oh well, live and learn!
Waco CG-4A 3-Views:
- John
Eaton's Golden Era Model Service Waco CG-4A 3-View
This is one of the best 3-views I've come across yet for
the Waco CG-4A, because it's done entirely in unfilled
line art and it blows up very well (minimal anti-aliasing).
I've compared it against the dimensions of the fullsize
CG-4A, and everything pencils out perfectly. If you're
thinking to build from EPP (and thus only really need
accurate outlines), I would suggest using this 3-view
in lieu of either of the plans listed below, as it is
much more accurate in terms of scale dimensions. You can
download the image and take it to your local copy shop
to be enlarged to suit your needs.
- David
Eckert's Waco CG-4A 3-View
These are some beautiful drawings of the Waco CG-4A "Fighting
Falcon", the lead glider in the D-Day invasion. The
drawings really provide nice scale detail information,
especially concerning the size and location of insignia,
color schemes, and panel lines. The dimensions for these
drawings also pencil out perfectly. That said, use these
drawings for scale detail information, and the Eaton drawings
above for your templates. I suspect that the simple line
art of the Eaton drawings might be easier to have enlarged
at a copy shop for template purposes.
Waco CG-4A Plans:
- FlyRC Waco CG-4A plans
Just stumbled across these plans recently and they look really nice!
Designed to be built out of blue foam to a 65" span, they seem nice for
a standoff scale model. Includes details on setting up an aerotow release
as well as the powered PG-2 version. You can download a printable PDF or
purchase a plan from the site. Looks good to me!
- RCM's
plans for the Waco PG-2
The PG-2 was an experimental powered version of the CG-4A
that never saw combat. If you choose to build from these
plans, you simply omit adding the engines to the wings--no
big deal at all. These plans appear to create some nice-looking
CG-4As, and if you're planning to build your plane from
wood then you'll probably want to check them out. The
cost is $9.00 + shipping as of this writing (March 2003).
- NOTE #1: These plans are not quite accurate
in terms of scale dimensions. According to my caculations,
the fuselage is too broad and the horizontal stabilizer
is too narrow. Make sure to refer to the 3-views
above if scale accuracy is your goal.
- NOTE #2: RCM also offers a set of plans titled
"CG-4A", but these feature an engine in
the nose of the aircraft (?) and do not look anywhere
near as scale or as good as the PG-2 plans above.
Make sure you order the correct set!!
There are undoubtably other plans and 3-views for the Waco
CG-4A floating around out there, but I've yet to come across
them online. If you know of other CG-4A plans or 3-views
besides those described above and would like them to be
linked to from this page, please contact
me to arrange it.